Multiplying your natural talents

Multiplication: 1.Natural talents

All of us were created by God with certain strengths, gifts and talents.
These gifts are designed for a purpose, the purpose is to help us
accomplish the works that God intended us to do

Ephesians 4:12 to equip his people for works of
service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

Certain individual might have the talent of talking with the ability to

You might be good with your hands, very handy in fixing things?

Your friend might be good at numbers, very talented in making reports
and calculations?

Whatever our talents may be, God has already equipped us enough to make
a living and to serve one another.  More than that, He intended us to work together to achieve greater goals, to glorify Him and to extend His kingdom

Enter: synergy” (Kingdom principle 2)

1 + 1 =? (more than 2)

The whole is made unpredictable by the sum of the Parts!

Your unique talent/gifts combined with people around you, makes the
overall value of your goods/ services worth a lot more than your effort by

The team work multiply the value of each and every individual by
many folds, which otherwise cannot be achieved if you are working by yourself

Who can you work with?

 Multiplication 2: The ultimate synergy

Multiply your natural talent by teaming with God = supernatural gifts/talents

“- where two or more are gathered together…” Mathew 18:20
eg. Queen Esther in the old testament (please read the
whole book of “Esther” in the bible) or see Esther’s life historical
(Source: Wikipedia)

Esther was blessed with a beautiful feature, the king saw her and made
her queen…she had the favour of a king and she was a very influential figure in
politics. Well, this is just as far as natural gifts and talents
can take you with your self effort.

Esther,  submitted her talents to God and asked God
for direction of how to use it properly according to His will! She then able to
use her beauty and influence to say the right words at the right timing to
save the whole nation from annihilation! This is a historical fact of an
unlikely orphan who became ruler of Persia and delivered her people from
certain death! SUPERNATURALLY!

Ask your creator what is the real purpose of your talent….if you choose to use your natural talent according to your creator’s purpose….then your creator WILL use you to your maximum potential! Your creator will MULTIPLY your talent!

God knows us the best since He was the one who created us in the first
place! also gave us with every talent that we have! BUT we have free will
to choose how we can use the talent!

The mulitiplication of your natural talent
happens when we choose to submit to God and align our talent with God’s will
so…team up with God!

So what can you do? What is your talent?

You can offer plenty! It is not your gifting that God cares about,
it is your heart, will and trust in Him that He wants!

next week: multiplying your resources!!!

John for the Kingdom Builders Team

About kingdombuildersbusiness

Founder of Kingdom Builders
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1 Response to Multiplying your natural talents

  1. It’s good that Jesus breathes on us to enhance and empower who He made us to be. Is that cool or what?!

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